
visual strategies

Hulu is an online video streaming platform. What distinguishes it from Netflix and Amazon is the fun aspect of their culture. In their mission statement, they do not talk big about humans or the world. They define themselves as a pure entertainment company. This let me come up with a set of fun-centered strategies.


The design uses numerous glitch art elements with extra vibrant and contrasting colors. Unconventional design patterns can give users a fresh feel. As for typography, geometric font with a more x-height ratio is preferred, and letters will be all lowercase.


The design features sharp edges to convey an energetic feel. Jumpy layouts can bring a lively tone. Decorations will be in outward directions, emitting outgoing personalities. 


The former two strategies can cause usability issues. Therefore, trade-offs have to be made. We can implement Intuitive ways of remote control. Contrasts in visual design also facilitate usability. 

mood board

The redesign visual strategies make Hulu the MTV of streaming platforms. Based on this idea, I researched a lot of MTV visual design language. The glitch-art period is my main resource. Artists like Antonio Roberts have heavily influenced my design, especially the mood board.

Style Guide
